Well-being and performance at work - an equation that goes together


I listened to a podcast via the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Knowledge that attracted with the title leadership that makes us feel good and perform at work. Who wouldn't want to achieve that I think. So what have they come up with?

It is constructive leadership and constructive leadership behaviours that increase performance at both individual and organisational levels, according to the researchers behind the Umeå University Knowledge Synthesis Leadership for Well-being and Performance.

The constructive management behaviours are:

  • relational (support, listen, be there),
  • task-oriented (assigning tasks, setting deadlines, following up),
  • change-oriented (painting a direction for change e.g. through visions).


They also highlight that Transformative Leadership in particular increases performance the most.

Transformational leadership behaviours are about:

  • work with goals and visions to engage staff and reach their inner motivation,
  • be a role model, live as you learn and make what you say will happen happen,
  • listen to the staff, how they feel, what ideas they have, etc.


The researchers behind the knowledge compilation believe that it is possible to train these leadership behaviours, but also point out that the right conditions (support in the organisation, resources) are needed to succeed. Many leaders in today's organisations have high workloads and may find it difficult to succeed in working in a more coaching and goal-oriented way, even if that is what they want. This is where Rolf comes in as an enabler.

Rolf facilitates and streamlines both the relational, task-oriented and change-oriented. You can work in a more structured way with your leadership, clarify goals and what is important for your success, increase dialogue with employees and continuously coach, listen to and give feedback on their reflections and ideas.

Rolf gives employees new opportunities to work on their own development and focus areas, reflect on their own situation, see patterns, identify opportunities for improvement and have a deeper relationship with their leader. It should be smooth and easy to have a dialogue with your manager/employee and everyone should be given the same opportunity and conditions for well-being and performance at work.



