Here are answers to the most common questions from our customers. Do you have a question without finding answers? Contact us and we will help you.
Does Rolf work on all mobiles?
Yes, Rolf's app is available for all smartphones with Android or iOS
Is my computer required?
No, Rolf is a cloud-based service, so you can log in through a web browser from any computer you want
Does Rolf work with different languages?
Yes, Rolf currently supports Swedish, English and German. More languages planned
Can you talk in a reflection?
Yes, in the app it works great to use the mobile's dictation function, such as Siri
How fast can we start Rolfa?
As soon as you decide to start using Rolf, we make the necessary set-up your organization needs. We have clear instructions to give you so that there will be no problems getting started
How much does it cost and how do we pay?
Rolf has a modular approach, which means that you pay per employee, month and module. All payment is made by invoice.
Can we remove or add users if someone starts or quits?
Yes, of course. Each Rolf license is personally independent and you can easily change which employee to add or remove
Is Rolf anonymous?
It depends on how you work in Rolf.
The modules Development Plan and Rolfing cannot be anonymous, because then it naturally does not work to set development plans or coach an employee.
In the Reflection module, the basic idea is that an employee's development is best if your immediate manager has the opportunity to give you the relevant feedback you need. If you as an employee still want to reflect without your manager taking part of it, you can choose to make the reflection "private"